Friday 3 February 2012

Phi Phi Island

Only three nights in Phi Phi, but certainly enough time to fall in love with the place! Phi Phi is amazing. So so so much better than Phuket! I I think it was only so incredibly amazing because of where we were staying. We stayed in a tree hut at a beautiful resort which had two private beaches..and a lot of animals! We saw lots of frogs, cockroaches, lizards, and even almost stepped on a snake. Any time we wanted to go to/from the main part of town, we had to get a boat! So it wasn’t close to much, but the long boats in Phi Phi are fun, so it was definitely worth it. Tree hut. Seriously. Awesome. We had pad thai at just about every meal, and enjoyed roaming the markets again. People in Phi Phi are much less pushy and annoying than in Phuket. It’s also a lot smaller. There’s no cars, people get around either by foot, boat or sometimes bicycle. 

Maya Beach
The following day was my birthday we went on a cruise around Phi Phi. We saw monkeys, up close and personal! We explored some caves; one which we walked all the way through in reasonable light, and one which we swam through with a flashlight. We saw Maya beach, the beach from “The Beach” movie..which I’ve never seen. It was a really nice beach but I think probably more exciting for those who’d seen the movie. We also did lots of snorkelling and a bit of kayaking. To top it off, we ended the trip with a beautiful sunset. I reckon I swallowed about a litre of seawater throughout the day! I also managed to wear 50+ sunscreen and still get burnt. We met some nice people who then joined us for dinner . Great birthday.

Birthday girl being pampered!
The following day, for Jo’s birthday, we decided to have a more relaxing day. We headed into town and treated ourselves to a manicure and pedicure. We then got tempted into a massage and a hair-string-braid-thing too. It looks cool. All of that cost us less than $15 each. We will definitely be getting a few more manicures before leaving Thailand! Then we spent most of the afternoon relaxing by the beach. 

In the evening, after a humongous/delicious dinner we watched a fire show on the beach. It was incredible. People were twirling fire-lit batons, and throwing them all over the place. One guy even juggled with them whilst walking across a tightrope. I think it was a very nice contrast to the previous day, which was go go go.

I wish we’d had more time at Phi Phi, but we’re off to Koh Samui next!

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