Wednesday 21 December 2011


On Sunday morning Allie and her dad drove me to Boston Airport, where I had to say yet another goodbye! :(

I arrived in Toronto around 5pm, where I was greeted at the airport by Kris (my exchange partner from five years ago) and Mike (her dad). I spent six weeks in Toronto when I was sixteen, so this brief trip was more about seeing people than doing the touristy-things. We spent the evening catching up, and enjoying a nice home cooked meal!

Kris and Marlies at the Eaton Center
On Monday we went downtown, mostly to do a bit of shopping! We met up with Marlies, a friend from when I was last here, and hit the Eaton Centre (a huge mall in the middle of the city). We roamed around and got some Christmas shopping done, then stopped for lunch at a Pickle Barrel. It had a huge menu, so many options! I got a really good sandwich, yuuum! 
 That evening we met up with Corinne in the city for a few dinners. Corinne was a really good friend while I was here on exchange, so I was super excited to see her.

A work of art...
On Tuesday we had a more relaxed day, watching a movie at home (One Day- not great, apparently the book is better) and in the afternoon Mattie & Kathleen came round. These two are also friends from last time I was here; they both live really near Kris so I used to hang out with them a lot, and car pool with them to/from school. We made Rice Krispy bars..which were a bit of a disaster due to marshmallow confusion, but still tasted good! We also made a ginger bread house. Last time I was here I made my first ever ginger bread house with Kris, and we kind of maybe failed just a little bit. I just remember it falling apart! This attempt was much more successful, in that it stayed together. However, our artistic skills haven’t improved greatly! Lots of fun to make though. The Denega’s took me out to dinner that night, to their golf club. I’d been there last time for a big Christmas dinner event and, just as I’d remembered, the food was delicious! 

It’s now Wednesday morning, and I’m at the Toronto airport; headed for New York!!

It’s been so amazing catching up with all these people after five years. There are a few more I would’ve loved to have seen, but a lot of them are still writing exams (so close to Christmas!) I’m so happy I was able to briefly come up to Toronto and stay with Kris and her parents; they’re like a second family to me!

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