Wednesday 28 December 2011

UK: Christmas & London

My flight coming into London was interesting... I tend to get very nervous on planes (and yet clearly it doesn’t stop me from flying!) We were initially meant to land about an hour early, because of the wind was going in our direction. However, when we were close to Heathrow we were informed that too many planes were trying to land so we’d be waiting a while, circling above the airport. This didn’t bother me toooo much. Eventually we made our descent, and when we were just metres off the ground- and I was bracing myself for landing- the plane starts going back up again! This is when I pretty much flipped out. Apparently there was too much wind so we had to try all over again. Bleh.

Anyway eventually we touched down and I made my way into London. There I met Jenny (my cousin) and stayed the night with her in her apartment near Waterloo. Early the next morning (Christmas Eve!) we hopped on a train out to Dorset, where I would be spending Christmas. I had Christmas with my aunts and uncles and cousins, and it was loooovely. My aunt Nikki cooked a lot of incredibly delicious food- though, after eating in the dining halls for so long..Everything tastes good! This town in Dorset, Fontmell Magna, is a teeny tiny little country town which was highlighted when we went to the “Christmas Pageant” on Christmas Eve. It was like a cross between a nativity play, a carols service, and a parade. We’d meet some characters (i.e. kids dressed as Mary & Joseph, Angels, Sheppards etc) and sing a song or two, then move through the town to meet the next set of characters and sing a few more songs and move on again. Essentially we followed Mary & Joseph’s path to Bethlehem, and ended up in the church. Probably the most adorable thing I’ve seen, ever. Overall, Christmas was lovely- relaxing!

On the 27th I got a train back into London where I have been seeing many musicals, and not doing much else! I saw three shows. 

·         “Legally Blonde”: SO GOOD! It’s so funny, and the songs are brilliant. The cast was great, and I loved the dancing. Very girly- you could tell that every man in the audience had either been brough by his girlfriend or was gay. On that note, one of the funniest songs in the show.. “Is he gay, or just European?” Brilliant!
           “Wicked”: I’ve seen this one before, a few times. I initially saw it in London, then saw it twice in Melbourne. While the Melbourne show was undoubtedly 100x better, it’s still fun! I got really cheap seats, so it was worth it.

·         “Matilda”: Amazing show! And so many kids! The kids are all incredibly amazingly talented. Not only for being able to sing and dance the way they do, but just to be able to remember it all. Phenomenal. Also the set was really cool- very intricate, but hard to explain. Possibly the best of the three. Loved it.

Other than musicals, I have gotten myself a new camera, a new sim card for my phone, and applied for my Indian visa. The rest of the time I spent mainly roaming the streets of London. I’ve been here enough times before (and I’m coming back) so I didn’t feel that I needed to rush around being a tourist.. But it’s nice to walk through Covent Garden, do a bit of shopping on the Strand, and have lunch in one of the parks by Buckingham Palace. I love London!
Covent Garden, all Christmassy!!

 Tomorrow morning I am meeting up with Fiona and Mel, before we fly to Bratislava!

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