Tuesday 30 August 2011

New York: Post-Hurricane!

We were fortunate enough to spend two full days on our bums in our dirty dirty apartment whilst the “hurricane” (otherwise known as a petty storm) passed through. It was not nearly as bad as they had led us to believe it would be! I think there were a few fallen trees, and some flooding near the coast/river areas, but when we walked around after it had passed, all we could see were leaves and small branches on the ground. Definitely not worth cancelling Broadway shows for! Oh well.
We roamed around Harlem (the area we are staying in) on Sunday afternoon, when we were finally given the all-clear to leave the building, to find that there were cop cars passing about every 3 seconds. We weren’t sure if this was because of post-hurricane things, or just because we’re in a super dodgy area. My money is on the latter! However, Fiona only lasted about 5 mins outdoors, before a small breeze convinced her that the hurricane could infact still be going.... Mmm...
The World Trade Centre site
Monday morning the subway was finally back up and running, meaning that we could go out and DO STUFF! Woo! Matt decided to go for a run and then explore Greenwich Village while Fiona and I went further South. We went to what was the site for the World Trade Centre, which is now looking like a massive building site. We then began our long shopping trip inside an amazing store called Century 21. It is like a massive all-discounted department store. So imagine you’re looking for a pair of shoes, usually $100 in Aus.. Will be $50 in US.. Will be $25 in Century 21. AMAZING. I bought pair of Tommy Hilfiger sneakers, which I thought were a very good bargain! Sadly, Century 21 is only in NY! Yet another reason to come back.
9/11 memorial
After our shopping we went to the 9/11 memorial centre. Here we read about the events of September 11 2011, from the moment the first plane hit at 8:54am, to the moment the last survivor was pulled out at 12:30pm the next day. They also showed us what the memorial site will look like when it opens in just a few weeks- on the 10 year anniversary. It was extremely depressing, but worth a look (also, its free!)
Then, thanks to advice from my lovely friend Kat, we took a (FREE) ferry to Staten Island and back, which goes right by the Statue of Liberty. While we couldn’t get up close & personal, or actually climb it, we got a pretty good view. And it was quite relaxing.

Cocktails at Peep!
Later on we met up with Matt in SoHo- the “trendy” fashion district of New York! We looked in Banana Republic (too expensive), H&M (got a nice black dress), Old Navy (don’t bother), and Zara (always awesome). We had the most amazing dinner at a Thai restaurant called “Peep”, where I had an delicious Pad Thai! Yum yum yum yum yum. Best meal I’ve had all trip! The meal was also accompanied by delicious cocktails. Perfect. However, the most interesting part about this place was the restrooms.... The one restroom was behind a mirror wall, which, it turns out, from inside the bathroom...You can see out to the restaurant. So it looks like all the people eating their dinner are looking at you on the toilet! WEIRD!??!
This morning I am leaving New York, and heading for UMASS!!! I’m quite excited to be getting out of our scummy apartment. However I do wish I had more time in NY, to see more incredible Broadway shows. I’d also like to explore more of the different areas in New York, like Brooklyn, and the Upper East Side, Queens etc. Plenty to do on one of the many occasions on which I will return!

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