Saturday 27 August 2011

New York: Pre-Hurricane!

We are in New York City, stuck indoors all weekend because of the lovely Hurricane heading our way. Isn’t that exciting? We should be fine, we’ve stocked up on food & drink, and we’re not in risk of needing to evacuate.
We arrived in NY on Wed arvo, and made our way towards Harlem. The apartment we are staying in is small but enough. However, the bathroom is shared with the other apartment on the floor and they keep locking us out of the bathroom (accidentally, we assume). However I also walked in on one of them fully naked. So I guess we’re even? The area feels a little unsafe at night, but there’s always safety in numbers!
We met up with Claire, a friend of Fiona’s, who was very helpful in navigating the subway for us! For our first night in NY we went down to Times Square, which is awesome! It’s so crazy busy all the time. There are some very over-priced shops and restaurants at Times Square. eg.. Toys R Us, which has a ferris wheel in the middle- because why wouldn’t it?! There’s also clothes stores, and places to buy broadway tickets etc. We also wondered around Bryant Park, and saw the Empire State Building (but didn’t go up! Hoping to go up Rockerfeller, because I’ve heard its cheaper and better)
The following day we wanted to go to Central Park, but it poured down with rain. So the only logical thing to do? SHOP, of course! I was very controlled and did not buy anything, however I did paint my nails each a different colour in Sephora! Fun! That night we saw “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” which was so so so AMAZING. I loved it!! Daniel Radcliffe was the lead, and he was surprisingly good! He can actually sing, and he can really dance! He’s so little, he was by far the smallest in the cast. John Larroquette was also in it, and he was brilliant! I didn’t know very much about the show, but essentially the title explains the storyline. It was really funny, and the songs are awesome. I highly recommend.
Yesterday (Friday), our second day in NY, the skies cleared and we were able to visit Central Park! It’s pretty stunning. Also, it’s so cool being in the middle of a massive crowded city and being able to go inside a nice quiet park. I say quiet, but there are quite a few street performers, who can be quite entertaining! The whole thing is relaxing and stunning.. Except it was crazy humid, so we were seating like pigs. Pretty attractive.

Last night Matt and I saw “Hair”, which was quite different to how I expected it to be. I knew some of the music, and had seen the movie- but the movie is very different. I found that the songs were fun, the staging was really good, the voices were incredible, but I just don’t think there’s actually a whole lot of storyline. But that said, “Cats” is one of my favourite shows, and that has even less storyline. It was really fun though, they’re constantly dancing up the aisles (even on the mezzanine level) and you can go dance with them on stage at the end- which sadly we didn’t because we were in an awkward spot to get there.
Then that brings me to today...caught in a hurricane! Well, the hurricane hasn’t actually started. We’ve been told not to leave the apartment between 9pm tonight and 9am tomorrow, but it could be much later. Regardless, its pouring with rain, so I’d say we’re probably spending the next two days indoors. Not the best way to see New York! But I guess I will just have to come back!

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