Wednesday 24 August 2011


We had just over a day in Philadelphia, where the weather was absolutely perfect. 27 degrees, and not at all humid! Lovely!
We were advised by the staff at the hostel that we “must” try a Philly CheeseSteak. I was not tempted. However Matt & Fiona were keen.. So we went down to South St (think Smith St/Brunswick St in Melbourne- only everything is so cheap!) to try a CheeseSteak. I had one without cheese..It was not great. But hey, we tried it!
Enjoying our strawberries
from the market!
Whilst me and Fiona browsed the shops, Matt went ahead to the Magic Garden (a mosaic-type art gallery), where we planned to meet him later. However..... There was an earthquake! Fiona and I were too involved in our shopping to even notice (seriously!) but Matt said it felt similar to the ones we had at home a few years ago. Apparently the epicentre was in Virginia. They evacuated most buildings, fearing that there may be aftershocks. This meant we couldn’t see the mosaic place, we couldn’t go into the City Hall, and the streets were packed full of people who’d been evacuated from buildings. We saw the Love Park, which is quite pretty. We also saw Benjamin Franklin’s grave, and had a look at the Independence Hall. One very cool place we went to was Reading Farmers Market. It was similar to Vic Market but, again, much cheaper! There were huge pizza slices for 75c, massive cookies for $1, all sorts of fruit and veges, meals from all over the world. We bought as much as we could carry. Yummy yummy cheap strawberries!
Citizens Park
We also went to a baseball game! Philadelphia Phillies VS New York Mets. It was so much fun! Everyone was so into it- jumping up and down for the home runs, and if the ball went into the crowd, they all went nuts. I think I even vaguely understand the game now too. And it’s true what they say. The Mets really do suck. Phillies won!
We ended up having a little time before our train out this, so we managed to visit the Magic Garden. I loved it. Mosaic is awesome.

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